Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I want to improve upon in my life and other stuff..

I got this today from Mike Dooley (I get a daily email from his website

"This caveat of all caveats is that absolutely nothing can be anything until it is first imagined. Thoughts become things, nothing else does. And so, Vanessa, it's the thoughts you choose from here on out that will become the things and events of your life, forevermore. It is written in stone. There's no other way. It's your ticket to anywhere you can dream of. Your passport to abundance, health, and friendships. The key to the palace of your wildest dreams. Your thoughts, and your thoughts alone, will set you in motion. Your thoughts will yield the inspiration, creativity, and determination you need. Your thoughts will orchestrate the magic and inspire the Universe. Your thoughts will carry you to the finish line if you just keep thinking them. Never give up. Never waiver, doubt, or ask. Aim high."

I really like this one, so I'm gonna post my favorites from now on. I'm writing this blog for people who already have a basic understanding of what The Law of Attraction is, so if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sorry. As you can probably tell, I'm no writer, just someone who wants to keep track of the joy that this way of thinking, living, co-creating, if you will, brings to me. It's really for me, I guess.

Certain events in my life before stumbling on this way of thinking paved the way for me to accept The Law of Attraction as the key to the creation of The Universe. Here's one story (at least this is how I remember it, I was only like 5, so bear with me if I'm a bit off in the order of events, Mom):

It happened to my family years before I read "The Secret" or had any intro to how things worked in The Universe. When I was a kid and my dad had read those wacky L. Ron Hubbard books I mentioned before, we were broke. Flat broke. As in, all we had to eat for dinner was a tray of biscuits kind of broke. My father said that in "Dianetics" (or maybe the other wacky book) he learned that to create more money we had to visualize having more money. Well, as a kid of course I loved the idea of "make-believe" so this was no problem for me. It was a bit tough for them, so my mom and dad took index cards and began drawing dollar signs on them and sticking the cards up all over the house, on the bathroom mirror, in the kitchen on the fridge, etc...Of course, as I'm sure you guessed, things started to look up financially, my dad was a framing contractor by trade and soon began working for a man who was a real go-getter, and would have jobs lined up months in advance, something my dad had never been very good at. So he began working 7 days a week for this man for weeks and weeks. Money was pouring in! We had so much money my mom was stacking it in her bedroom dresser drawer until she could get to their savings and loan to deposit it. I'm talking like ten thousand dollars, in 1977.

This of course seemed like a miracle, however, we were not specific enough in our money "manifestation." These many hours took an incredible toll on my parents relationship, my dad's drinking skyrocketed. He felt so guilty about being gone all the time, that he stopped coming home until everyone was asleep. Finally after something like 77 12-hour days straight, my mother told him, "quit or I'm leaving you." So, we packed up and moved to Nevada where apparently the construction business was good, but not marriage threatening.

We were soon struggling financially again as we would for most of my young life. I would draw dollar signs all over everything again and my parents would smile and say "good, thanks" but if their heart wasn't in it, mine wasn't and it didn't create anything. As an adult I can look back and see that what was missing was not the desire for more abundance but #1 the lack of belief that it would last and #2 (and most important) Gratitude for what they received. You see my parents lacked belief in not only a God they could rely on but that appreciation of what they'd received brought more of it. They just didn't know.

That story brings me to what I want in my life now. I've been at my job for 9&1/2 years. I have really loved my job and what I do. It's creative and the hours are (were) great and I get along with everyone I work with. But desires change and what I wanted almost 10 years ago, I'm not sure I still want today. So I've been in the initial stages of toying with the idea of leaving my job. I am not currently in the situation to do this as I have accumulated some fairly substantial debt and I want to pay it off before embarking on a new career. Over the last couple of years, I have made some great strides in over coming some old habits of thought, but surrounding money, I'm still my parents child. I want to dream big when it comes to financial abundance, but I still dream small.

For instance, after we moved to our new home back in August my youngest son started kindergarten and I had more free time. So, I began to manifest working 32 hours a week like the rest of my co-workers instead of the 20 hours a week that I had I really wanted when I originally got this job (the faster to pay my debt off I thought). Sure enough, about a month later we upgraded our systems and were able to do more and so I was needed more hours. It was effortless, really. So, I wonder now...why didn't I just manifest true wealth, the kind of wealth that would get me out of debt, so I could've remained working less or not at all?? DUH!!!

This is what I'm trying to manifest now. The financial freedom to "work" at what I love spending my time on, my kids, my husband, decorating and renovating my new home, and ME for crying out loud! I want to pick my kids up after school instead of the YMCA. I want to be debt free. I want to take Yoga 3 times a week, I want a nicer car, I want to spend my time volunteering at my kids school, I want to spend so much time with my kids, that when I want to go on a date night with my husband I don't feel like I'm choosing him over them with what little precious weekend time we have.

So there we have it, this is my ultimate wish. Financial Abundance, pretty original, huh? Okay, okay, financial abundance, clear, more beautiful skin, and the last 10 pounds gone for good. That's it.

So here's how I'm gonna do it:

Every day beginning last Saturday I began going on "rampages of appreciation." When I wake up in the morning, still in bed, I start rattling off everything I am grateful for. A good night's sleep, my feather pillow, the fact that my 5 year old didn't wake me up, the coffee I'm gonna make, everything! After I get my older son off to school, I go back home, set the little one up with the Wii, then get out my notepad and write out more things I am grateful for. My reliable car, my semi-clean house, my pretty new neighborhood, my kids' fabulous new school, and so on. When that's done, I write the fun part, the list of 'what I want'. A pool in the backyard, a new built in BBQ, a luxury car, to pay off my parent's house, to pay for my sister's wedding, to send my mother-in-law to Spain to see her sister, to go to yoga class when I want to, changes daily, but it is basically all of the same stuff. I then take these pages and place them in my "Universe Box" a pretty little 8x8x8 box in my bedroom. I kiss the pages, then set them inside and let The Universe come up with how it will happen, because that is where I can get in the way sometimes.

The most important thing I have to do to make all of this happen is to get my thoughts out of my own way. By this I mean, I can't let negative thoughts hang out in my head for too long, on any subject. I don't check my bank account unless I'm in a good head space about money. I don't call my husband during the day unless I have loving feelings toward him. I do not watch the news on TV or online. I do not read newspapers, except for my cute little local paper that happens to report good news. If people at my work or at the check out at Target want to talk about the latest tragedy, I tune them out or go elsewhere. And when I struggle with this I say to myself "It is my dominant intention to see only that which I want to see, and that which makes me happy." You see the trick to The Law of Attraction (if I may call it that) is that everything you've ever desired is already waiting for you, you just have to let it in by feeling really good, in other words, being in alignment with your higher-self. This is what I crave, to be in alignment with my higher self. I'm not saying I never have a negative thought, or curse under my breath at a crazy driver, but I just don't hang out with those thoughts for very long. I search my emotional guidance scale for a thought that feels better and I reach for it. For example: yeah, you cut me off, but I'm not gonna let you ruin my commute or okay, I have a giant new zit but the rest of my face is clear today and I'm great with make up and I can make it dissapear! you get the idea.

I think tomorrow, I'll start writing my 'what I want' list in the present tense, I forgot that Mike Dooley says to pretend you already have what you want. Okay, tomorrow I'll do that. I'll keep you posted here of any successes I have and we'll celebrate together :)

Thanks for reading, if you're out there.

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