Tuesday, March 16, 2010

About Me March 16, 2010

Hi Reader,
I'm here for the sole purpose of chronicling my adventures in practical application of the Law of Attraction (the universal law that says: the essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn) in my daily life.
I'm 38 years old, a married mother of two deliciously wonderful boys, a best friend, a daughter, a sister and a social butterfly. I work out of the home, and my posts will vary in frequency and relevance, so be patient with me please, I'm new here.
I'll begin by telling you that throughout my life I've craved spirituality, or at least an understanding of the basics of the Universe: why am I here? what do I do now? where do I go when I die? and so on...
My irreverent, loving, unconventional parents were pseudo-hippies who met at a body-painting party. My Mother is a non-practicing Protestant, Dad is an Athiest who back in the 70's used to read "Dianetics" and "T.N.T" by the (in)famous L.Ron Hubbard, He has often changed his mind about what he believes we are doing here, at times even hinting that Aliens came to our planet and impregnated our ape-like ancestors and we are their spawn. So you can see why I would be confused.
At age four, I begged my parents to let me go with my best friend, Tammy, to Sunday school with her because I missed her so much when she was gone. After weeks of begging, they relented. I got on the Sunday school bus in my best blue ruffled dress and waved goodbye to my parents.
We arrived at Faith Baptist Church and I followed Tammy to a brightly colored room with toys and crayons everywhere. The teacher pulled me aside and sat me at a desk away from Tammy and asked me if I liked Rock and Roll music. I said, "Yes! My daddy plays Rock and Roll music all the time!" she then asked, "Do you watch cartoons?" "Of Course! I love cartoons", I replied. She then informed me that my dad and I were going to Hell because "Rock and Roll music and cartoons are the work of the Devil!" I cried all the way home on the school bus for my poor father who was going to Hell and for my mother who would be so sad without us.
My father scooped me up onto his lap and explained to me (sparing no profanity, for the poor man has never been good at controlling his rage) that those "religious fucking assholes don't know shit and don't you EVER listen to them, you listen to ME!" Needless to say, I never went back there or to any church for that matter until a funeral 20 years later. That sunny Sunday morning a seed of hatred for "organized religion" was planted in my four-year-old garden and society tended it well. You could say my pendulum swung too far in the other direction and I wanted nothing to do with any idea of God, spirituality or religion of any kind, until...
I had my son. Having a child shook my foundation hard enough for me begin asking those questions again that I hadn't thought of in so long. What if he asks me about God? I thought. So, slowly my mind began creeping open in ways it hadn't before. 
Little (or big depending on your opinion) things began helping me see there is a gray area about God and that there was so much out there I hadn't experienced.
As time goes on, I hope you'll stick around and get to know me as I reveal a little more about myself, what led to where I am now, and how my life changes based on how well I can change the way I think using the the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and The Secret and Notes from the Universe: TUT. I'm a bit all over the place about this as you can tell, but I've gotta run for now, the 10 year-old got an amazing report card so we're all off for tacos and ice cream to celebrate. Talk to you soon. And remember, thoughts become things so choose wisely.

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